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If you are in immediate danger always call 999 and ask for the Police. 

If you can't speak call 999 followed by 55 when the operator answers (or tap or cough into the phone) this will alert the operator and the police to respond Abuse 24 hour Support Helpline - 0808 2000 247.

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If you are a victim of domestic abuse, and wish to speak to someone, please call freephone 0207 326 3700 and you will be connected to a Neighbourhood Officer.

Alternatively, you can also complete our online 'Contact us' form to request a call back at a time to suit you. Please be assured, we will not leave a voicemail or discuss your case with anyone else who may answer your phone.

If you have concerns that another SW9 Community Housing resident is suffering domestic abuse, you can also let us know on 0207 326 3700. If you feel something is happening right now, please call the Police on 999.

You can find help and support from the National Domestic Violence 24 hour Helpline, Women’s Aid and Refuge on the helpline number 0808 2000 247.

You can also download the Bright Sky app onto your mobile device. Bright Sky allows you to record incidents of domestic abuse and has details of support agencies that can help you.

You can find more useful information by following the links below:

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Specialist help for male victims

  • respect.uk.net (for male victims of domestic abuse and also men that are concerned about their own behaviour)

Specialist help available for LGBT victims

Specialist help available for younger victims

  • Call Childline: 0800 1111 If you’re a child or young person and domestic abuse is happening in your home or relationship.

Specialist help available for older victims

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