SW9 Community Housing Policies

SW9 Community Housing reviews its Policies and Procedures every 1-3 years, or earlier if there are changes to legislation or guidance.

Recently several of our policies have been reviewed and approved by our Board or Senior Management Team. 

The newly-updated policies include:

  • SW9 Complaints Policy

The policy sets out how we handle complaints. We have reviewed this to bring us in line with the new Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code which can be accessed below:

Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code

  • SW9 Service Charge Enquiry and Dispute Procedure.

The procedure sets out how we respond to enquiries and disputes about services charges that fall outside our Complaints Policy.

  • SW9 Anti-Social Behaviour Policy.

The policy sets out how we handle reports of anti-social behaviour across the Stockwell Park Estate. 

  • SW9 Domestic Abuse Policy.

The policy sets out the assistance that we will provide to residents who are survivors of domestic abuse.

  • SW9 Consent Policy

The policy sets out when consent is required for processing data and how consent is to be obtained and recorded.

  • SW9 Compensation Policy

The policy sets out the variety of ways we can offer remedies to residents, in the realm of contact through our complaints process.

You can access these and our existing Policies & Procedures here.